New landscape trends of Sydney landscaping company in 2022

If you're like most homeowners in Sydney, you're always on the lookout for new landscaping and gardening trends. In 2022, there are a few new trends to watch out for. From low maintenance, drought resistant to evergreen plants, In this article we talk about a few of these new trends coming from our Sydney landscaping company, Green Fig.

What are the more popular design styles frequently used in landscaping?

When it comes to landscaping in Sydney, there are a few design styles that are more popular than others.


One of the most popular styles is called xeriscaping, which is a type of landscaping that uses native plants that require little to no irrigation. This is a great option for people who want to save water, as well as those who want to create a low-maintenance landscape.

Cottage Garden:

Another popular style is called cottage gardens, which are characterized by their use of informal plantings and relaxed design. This style is perfect for people who want to create a warm and inviting space.

Contemporary landscape:

Finally, contemporary landscape design is also becoming increasingly popular in Sydney. This style typically features clean lines, bold colors, and minimalistic planting.

If you're not sure which style is right for you, it's always a good idea to consult with a professional landscape designer. They will be able to help you create the perfect space for your home.

How can I make my front yard look more expensive?

There are a few simple things you can do to make your front yard look more expensive.

First, focus on the entryway. Make sure the path to your door is well-lit and clear of any obstacles. Add some potted plants or hanging flowers to create a welcoming entrance.

Second, take care of your lawn. Keep the grass trimmed and green, and add some landscaping features like bushes or trees.

Third, update your outdoor furniture. Choose pieces that are stylish and well-made, and use them to create inviting seating areas. With a little effort, you can transform your front yard into an elegant space that feels luxurious and chic.

Landscape trends 2022

In 2022, Australian gardeners will be looking to create more low-maintenance gardens that require less water and effort to keep them looking good.

1-Native plants:

Native plants will continue to be popular, as they are easy to care for and don't need much water.

2-Screening plants

people will also be looking for ways to make their outdoor spaces more private and sheltered from the sun. Screening plants, such as bamboo, will become increasingly popular, as will shade sails and outdoor blinds.

3-garden lighting

Garden lighting will also be a big trend, as people look for ways to extend the use of their outdoor spaces into the evening.

4-outdoor entertaining areas

outdoor entertaining areas will continue to be popular, as people look for ways to enjoy the outdoors with family and friends. these include building a deck, patio, or pergola; installing a fire pit or outdoor fireplace; or setting up an outdoor kitchen.

5-sustainable landscaping

Finally, sustainable landscaping will also become more popular in 2022. This includes using native plants, rainwater tanks, and solar-powered garden lights.

A unique Gardening trend:

These plants will bring your garden to life especially at dusk!

1. night-flowering cereus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)

2.Fragrant olives (Olea fragrans)

3. Marigolds (Tagetes erecta)

4. Moonflowers (Ipomoea alba)

5. Evening primrose

What industry does landscaping fall under in Australia?

In Australia, the landscaping industry falls under the construction industry. This includes the construction and maintenance of features such as gardens, driveways, paths, decks, and retaining walls.

Landscapers in Australia must be licensed to carry out any work that involves excavating or earthmoving, as this work can pose a risk to public safety. Some landscapers also choose to specialize in a particular type of work, such as garden design or tree care.

Whatever their area of expertise, all landscapers in Australia must follow strict safety guidelines in order to protect both themselves and the public.

Green Fig, A Syndey Landscaping company

At Green Fig Landscaping, we pride ourselves on being at the cutting edge of landscaping trends.

Our team of experienced professionals can help you create the perfect outdoor space for your home, whether you're looking for a contemporary design or something more traditional.

We also offer a range of sustainable landscaping options, such as using native plants and installing rainwater tanks, to help you create a garden that is both beautiful and environmentally friendly.

If you're interested in finding out more about our services, or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We would be more than happy to discuss your landscaping needs with you.

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